Teachers gather for a group photo on The University of Texas at San Antonio campus.

Steven Mintz, director of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Teaching Center at Columbia University, delivers the keynote address on revolutions that occurred in American life during the twentieth century.

Steven Mintz signs his book Huck's Raft: A History of American Childhood for Matthew Lopez.

Kirsten E. Gardner, associate professor of history at The University of Texas at San Antonio, discusses Progressivism.

Elaine Turney, a lecturer in history at The University of Texas at San Antonio, speaks about Americans and the environment in the twentieth century.

Stephen M. Duffy, associate professor of history at Texas A&M International University, shares insight on American foreign policy up to World War I.

Michael M. Topp, associate professor of history and the associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts at The University of Texas at El Paso, speaks about immigration and ethnicity in the 1920s.

Stephen M. Duffy and Rachel Gish examine primary documents.

Kirsten E. Gardner and Harry Ferrell during an afternoon workshop.

Michael M. Topp listens to Gretchen Wickes's comment.

Erin Gutierrez and Elaine Turney analyze primary sources.

Gregg L. Michel, associate professor and department chair in history at The University of Texas at San Antonio, discusses the New Deal.

Patrick J. Kelly, associate professor of history at The University of Texas at San Antonio, shares insights on World War II.

Andrew R. Highsmith, assistant professor of public administration at The University of Texas at San Antonio, speaks about the civil rights movement.

LaGuana Gray, assistant professor of history at The University of Texas at San Antonio, discusses women's reform movements.

Matthew Bowden and Gregg L. Michel analyze primary sources.

Patrick J. Kelly leads a primary source workshop.

Mark Mitchum and Andrew R. Highsmith participate in an afternoon workshop.

LaGuana Gray shares primary sources with Cynthia Dubose.

San Antonio teachers listen to a faculty lecture.

Teachers participate in a primary source activity at the Institute of Texan Cultures, which they toured on Tuesday afternoon.

Maile Parker, Danielle Smith, and Kelli Price enjoying their time at the Institute of Texan Cultures.

Jerry González, assistant professor of history at The University of Texas at San Antonio, speaks about the Chicano movement.

James C. Schneider, associate professor of history at The University of Texas at San Antonio, shares insights on the Cold War.

Charles Flanagan, director of educational programs at the Center for Legislative Archives at the National Archives and Records Administration, talks with participants about teaching the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

Steven R. Boyd, professor of history at The University of Texas at San Antonio, discusses the Constitution in the twentieth century.

Jerry González listens to teachers' comments during a primary source workshop.

James C. Schneider and Sylvia Gonzales during an afternoon workshop.

Charles Flanagan and Ishmon Hester discuss strategies for teaching the Voting Rights Act.

Steven R. Boyd leads a primary source workshop as Tyler Warren listens.