Name of person submitting report *
Email address *
Organization that received the Relief Grant *
Humanities Texas grant number *
If no, how much did you ultimately spend?
Grant Summary
Please provide a Budget Narrative. Describe how your Humanities Texas Relief Grant funds were spent. Detail specific costs and total amounts for each expense. *
How many full-time staff positions were preserved?
How many part-time staff positions were preserved?
How many new or part-time staff positions were created?
Please estimate the total number of people served by these programs.
Please estimate the total number of people who watched, participated in, or were otherwise reached by your virtual humanities programs or events.
Please estimate the total number of social media impressions (likes, shares, comments, etc.) for humanities programming supported by this grant. *
Summarize the impact the grant made on your organization (e.g., Did the Relief Grant help keep your organization solvent, viable, and/or open? Did it help you retain staff? Did it support the development of new ways of serving your audiences? How did it help you preserve or extend your capacity to provide humanities programming?). *
Describe the audience(s) the grant helped you serve. *
Did the Relief Grant help you transition face-to-face programs to online/virtual programs? If so, please describe that transition and the new methods of program delivery you used. *
Looking Ahead
Has the pandemic affected and/or changed your plans for public humanities programs you will hold in the future? If so, provide one or two detailed examples. Your answer will help Humanities Texas as we plan to support the work of Texas cultural and educational organizations in the coming few years. *
How can Humanities Texas and NEH best support your future efforts to provide meaningful public humanities programming serving Texas communities? Again, the guidance you provide will help us shape our work moving forward. *
How were Humanities Texas and NEH credited for supporting your organization through this grant? *
Authorizing Official Certification If you are not the organization's Authorizing Official, please have the Authorizing Official review the report and certify it by responding to the prompt below.