Past Institutes

The Harlem Renaissance

In October 2019, Humanities Texas held two one-day teacher workshops in Austin and Dallas focusing on the literature and history of the Harlem Renaissance.


Faculty presentations provided a historical introduction to the Harlem Renaissance and focused consideration of the writings of Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston, among others. Faculty guided participants in developing ideas for effective writing and research assignments related to the Harlem Renaissance.

Content was aligned with the secondary English and language arts TEKS. Teachers received books and other instructional materials and were trained in the examination and interpretation of primary sources.


Workshop faculty included Philip Barrish (The University of Texas at Austin), Adriane Bezusko (Texas Christian University), Sequoia Maner (Southwestern University), Regina Marie Mills (Texas A&M University), Samantha Pinto (The University of Texas at Austin), and Jennifer Wilkes (The University of Texas at Austin).

Locations and Schedules

Download the schedule for each workshop. 

AustinOctober 9Thompson Conference CenterSchedule
DallasOctober 10Communities Foundation of TexasSchedule


The workshops were made possible with major funding from the State of Texas with ongoing support from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Questions about Teacher Institutes

Call 512.440.1991 (press 2) or email