In June 2012, Humanities Texas will hold four teacher enrichment institutes. "The Making of Modern America," two institutes held on the campuses of Southern Methodist University in Dallas (June 4–7) and the University of Houston (June 11–14), will cover U.S. history from Reconstruction through the present, including the Gilded Age, the Progressive Era, World War I, the literature and culture of the 1920s, the New Deal, World War II, and American foreign policy following WWII. The institute curriculum will align with the TEKS for eleventh-grade U.S. history.
The institutes on the campuses of The University of Texas at Brownsville (June 5–8) and The University of Texas at San Antonio (June 11–14), titled "Shaping the American Republic to 1877," will cover U.S. history through Reconstruction. Each program curriculum will align with the TEKS for eight-grade U.S. history. Topics to be addressed include the U.S. Constitution, the early republic, the age of Jackson, slavery, secession, the Civil War, and Reconstruction.
As in past years, all institutes will emphasize close interaction with scholars, the examination of primary sources, and the development of effective pedagogical strategies and engaging assignments and activities.
The institutes are open to all middle and high school social studies, language arts, and humanities teachers but will focus on topics and skills central to the state's secondary U.S. history curriculum. Priority consideration will be given to early-career teachers in low-performing schools and districts. Teachers may apply to attend online.
Selected faculty members' bios and photos are posted below, or read about all faculty members for the Brownsville, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio institutes.
Gordon S. Wood.
David M. Kennedy.
David Oshinsky.
Jack N. Rakove.
H. W. Brands.
Robert Dallek.
Albert S. Broussard.
Neil Foley.
Heather Cox Richardson.
Allen Matusow.
Michael Les Benedict.
Robert M. Citino.
Manuel F. Medrano.
Crista DeLuzio.
Charles Flanagan.
Monica Perales.
Jennifer Weber.