Once again, we are pleased to share our annual summer reading feature! Each year, Humanities Texas presents awards recognizing and encouraging excellence in teaching the humanities in Texas schools. For this year's summer reading feature, we asked Outstanding Teaching Award winners from across the state to recommend the best books for the summer season. The suggested titles include fiction and nonfiction, poetry and short stories, classics and new releases. This summer, take it from these teachers and check out some great reads.
Revisit these summer reading features from years past:
If you enjoy this article . . .
From Your Local Librarian: Summer Reading 2016
What Texas Writers Read: Summer Reading 2015
What the Pros Recommend: Summer Reading 2014
Emily Anderson.
Shirlene Bridgewater.
Nicole Brisco.
Matthew Campbell.
Natalia Charron.
Jennifer Chase.
Elizabeth Close.
Paula Dolloff.
Shannon Duffy.
Loraine Dumerer.
Melissa Dupre.
JP Fugler.
Jim Furgeson.
Angie Greenlaw.
Emily Greer.
Holly Griffin.
Josephine Icaro.
John Irish.
Jacy King.
Mary Lagleder.
Robin Long.
Victoria Longoria.
Martha MacFarland.
Jay Moore.
Samantha Neal.
Patricia Ritchie.
Margie Robinson.
Jennifer Rodriguez.
Rosa Salazar.
Célangé Santiso-Black.
Michael Shackleford.
Sharon Snowton.
Ryan Sprott.
Valerie Taylor.
Lucy West.
Sari Wilson.
Julie Woodard.