Humanities Texas will host its tenth annual Holiday Book Fair at the historic Byrne-Reed House in Austin on Saturday, December 8, 2018, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Twenty-seven noteworthy authors—including Lawrence Wright, Sarah Bird, H. W. Brands, Elizabeth Crook, Joe Holley, Bill Wittliff, Carrie Fountain, Michael Barnes, Mimi Swartz, Chris Barton, Don Graham, Bethany Hegedus, Kyle Longley, Austin Bay, Kenny Braun, Samantha M. Clark, Xelena González, Paul Woodruff, Bronson Dorsey, Virginia A. Cumberbatch, Leslie A. Blair, Bill Wright, Wyatt McSpadden, Barbara Morgan, Kevin Robbins, Anne R. Keene, and Jennifer Ziegler—will visit with the public and sign copies of their latest books, which Humanities Texas will offer for purchase at a discounted price. Available titles include works of fiction and nonfiction, with selections for both adult and youth readers.
All proceeds benefit Texas libraries.
Park for free in the St. Martin's Evangelical Lutheran Church lot on the northwest corner of 15th and Rio Grande Streets, and enjoy coffee and a bake sale of donated and homemade treats. Invite your friends!
Friends of Humanities Texas receive an additional 25% percent discount on Holiday Book Fair purchases!
Wright, Lawrence. God Save Texas: A Journey into the Soul of the Lone Star State. (Alfred A. Knopf, 2018).
Bird, Sarah. Daughter of a Daughter of a Queen. (Thorndike, 2018).
Brands, H. W. Heirs of the Founders: The Epic Rivalry of Henry Clay, John Calhoun and Daniel Webster, the Second Generation of American Giants. (Doubleday, 2018).
Crook, Elizabeth. The Which Way Tree. (Little, Brown and Company, 2018).
Holley, Joe. Hurricane Season: The Unforgettable Story of the 2017 Houston Astros and the Resilience of a City. (Hachette Books, 2018).
Wittliff, Bill. The Devil's Fork. (University of Texas Press, 2018).
Fountain, Carrie. I'm Not Missing. (Flatiron, 2018).
Michael Barnes, Indelible Austin: More Selected Histories (Waterloo Press, 2018).
Swartz, Mimi. Ticker: The Quest to Create an Artificial Heart. (Crown, 2018).
Chris Barton, What Do You Do With a Voice Like That?: The Story of Extraordinary Congresswoman Barbara Jordan (Beach Lane Books, 2018).
Graham, Don. Giant: Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson, James Dean, Edna Ferber, and the Making of a Legendary American Film. (St. Martin's Press, 2018).
González, Xelena. All Around Us. (Cinco Puntos Press, 2017).
Woodruff, Paul, ed. The Ethics of Giving: Philosophers' Perspectives on Philanthropy. (Oxford University Press, 2018).
Longley, Kyle. LBJ's 1968: Power, Politics and the Presidency in America's Year of Upheaval. (Cambridge University Press, 2018).
Bay, Austin. Cocktails From Hell: Five Complex Wars Shaping the 21st Century. (Bombardier Books, 2018).
Braun, Kenny. As Far as You Can See: Picturing Texas. (University of Texas Press, 2018).
Clark, Samantha M. The Boy, the Boat, and the Beast. (Simon & Schuster, 2018).
Dorsey, Bronson. Lost, Texas: Photographs of Forgotten Buildings. (Texas A&M University Press, 2018).
Cumberbatch, Virginia A., Leslie A. Blair, and Gregory J. Vincent, eds. As We Saw It: The Story of Integration at the University of Texas at Austin. (University of Texas Press, 2018).
Wright, Bill. The Whole Damn Cheese: Maggie Smith, Border Legend. (Texas Christian University Press, 2018).
Hegedus, Bethany. Alabama Spitfire: The Story of Harper Lee and To Kill a Mockingbird. (Balzer + Bray, 2018).
McSpadden, Wyatt. Texas BBQ, Small Town to Downtown. (University of Texas Press, 2018).
Morgan, Barbara and Maya Perez, eds. On Story―The Golden Ages of Television. (University of Texas Press, 2018).
Robbins, Kevin. Harvey Penick: The Life and Wisdom of the Man Who Wrote the Book on Golf. (University of Texas Press, 2018).
Keene, Anne R. The Cloudbuster Nine: The Untold Story of Ted Williams and the Baseball Team That Helped Win World War II. (Sports Publishing, 2018).
Ziegler, Jennifer. Revenge of the Teacher's Pets. (Scholastic Press, 2018).