Humanities Texas will host its fourteenth annual Holiday Book Fair at the historic Byrne-Reed House in Austin on Saturday, December 7, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Nineteen Texas authors will visit with the public and sign copies of their latest books, which Humanities Texas will offer for purchase at a discounted price. Available titles include works of fiction and nonfiction, with selections for both adult and young readers.
This year's authors include:
Sarah Bird • Jenny Browne • Don Carleton and Erin Purdy • Breanna Carzoo • Cary Clack • Chad S. Conine • Natalie Musgrave Dossett • Jessica Goudeau • Joe Holley • Bret Anthony Johnston • Eliza Kinkz • Monika Maeckle • Naomi Shihab Nye • Catherine O'Connor • ire'ne lara silva • Thao Votang • Roy Vu • James Wade
All proceeds benefit Texas libraries.
Park for free in the St. Martin's Evangelical Lutheran Church lot on the northwest corner of 15th and Rio Grande Streets, and enjoy coffee and a bake sale of donated and homemade treats. Invite your friends!
Friends of Humanities Texas receive an additional 25% percent discount on Holiday Book Fair purchases!