Humanities Texas is now accepting applications for our summer institutes. In June 2013, we will hold teacher professional development institutes in Austin (June 10–13), Houston (June 11–14), El Paso (June 17–20), and San Antonio (June 18–21) examining American wars from the colonial era through the twentieth century. These institutes are made possible with support from the State of Texas and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Program partners include The University of Texas at Austin College of Liberal Arts, the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum, the University of Houston, The University of Texas at El Paso, and The University of Texas at San Antonio.
As in past years, institutes will emphasize close interaction with scholars, the examination of primary sources, and the development of effective pedagogical strategies and engaging assignments and activities.
The institutes in Austin (June 10–13) and Houston (June 11–14), titled "America at War: From the Colonial Era to 1877," will align with the state’s eighth-grade U.S. history curriculum. Topics to be addressed include the American Revolution, the Revolutionary War, the Pueblo Revolt, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Indian wars in the southwest, and secession and the Civil War.
The institutes in El Paso (June 17–20) and San Antonio (June 18–21), titled "America at War in the Twentieth Century," will follow the eleventh-grade U.S. history curriculum. Topics to be covered include the Spanish American War, World War I, American isolationism and neutrality between the wars, World War II, Latinos in World War II, the origins of the Cold War, the Truman Doctrine, and the wars in Korea and Vietnam.
The institutes are open to all middle and high school social studies, language arts, and humanities teachers but will focus on topics and skills central to the state's secondary U.S. history curriculum. Priority consideration will be given to early-career teachers in low-performing schools and districts. Participants will receive a $200 stipend, as well as CPE credit and a wealth of curricular materials. On-campus housing is available to out-of-town teachers at no cost. Teachers traveling to the institute from more than twenty-five miles one way are eligible to receive a travel reimbursement of up to $300 for eligible expenses. GT credit is possible, depending on individual district standards.
Please direct any questions to Jillian Owens or Sheena Moore at 512.440.1991 or
Read on to learn about select faculty members, or view confirmed faculty for the Austin, Houston, El Paso, and San Antonio institutes.
Pauline Meier.
David M. Kennedy.
George C. Herring.
Abner Linwood "Woody" Holton III.