Letter dated December 17, 1860, from William Baskin to his father, William Chandler Baskin, during the Civil War, detailing rumors of secession, as can be read in the following excerpt: "They [the students] are leaving on account of this state seceding. Pres. Patton gave us a lecture a few mornings ago in the chapel, he said that he thought it was useless for us to leave but he was confident that the state would secede, that we would be in no better condition by going to Miss., Ala., Ga. or Florida, for they would soon follow. (There he was forced to stop by the applause from Miss. and Ala. Students [...] the house shook with applause from all) [....]" William would later become mayor of Tupelo, Mississippi. Courtesy of Patricia and William Wright Collection, Community Heritage Collection, West Texas Collection, Angelo State University.