Teachers gather in front of the Byrne-Reed House. Forty-seven teachers representing thirty-two school districts statewide participated in the workshop.
Elizabeth Richmond-Garza, Distinguished Teaching Associate Professor of English at The University of Texas at Austin, discusses Shakespeare in his time and ours.
John P. Rumrich, Arthur J. Thaman and Wilhelmina Dore' Thaman Endowed Professor in English at The University of Texas at Austin, speaks about the classical sources of Shakespearean tragedy.
J. Dennis Huston, professor of English at Rice University, shares approaches to teaching Romeo and Juliet.
James N. Loehlin, Shakespeare at Winedale Regents Professor of English at The University of Texas at Austin, discusses teaching Shakespeare through performance.
Elizabeth Richmond-Garza leads a workshop on approaches to teaching Shakespearean drama.
John P. Rumrich analyzes pivotal passages from Shakespeare's tragedies with teachers.
J. Dennis Huston and a group of teachers discuss Romeo and Juliet.
James N. Loehlin leads a workshop on using performance-based strategies for teaching Shakespeare.