
Unsinkable: Voices from the Storm

Photograph of Bill Rogers. Courtesy of Todd Spoth.

"When I first moved here [25 years ago], I listened to the old shrimpers, what to do and what not to do. And I always heard, you leave when the birds leave—they know more than we do. But this caught everybody off guard, 'cause there's dead birds all around my house."

— Bill Rogers, 61, self-employed mechanic, Port Aransas.


Based on the Texas Monthly October 2017 cover story, “Voices from the Storm,” this exhibition features the stories of sixteen individuals who survived, witnessed, and assisted others during the five days of rain brought on by Hurricane Harvey. Using story panels, audio, exclusive photographs, and content from more than a dozen Texas Monthly staff members who covered the hurricane, Unsinkable: Voices from the Storm gives viewers insight into what it was like for Texans affected by the storm.

Unsinkable: Voices from the Storm was created by the Bullock Texas State History Museum in coordination with Texas Monthly and organized for travel by Humanities Texas.

Exhibition Format



1 title panel (24" x 25")
16 narrative text panels (14" x 22")
15 photo panels (24" x 16")
1 graphic panel (24" x 24")
1 QR code panel (8.5" x 11")

All panels hung using cleats

Space Requirements61 linear feet of wall space
Shipping weight and dimensions:

Travels in 2 anvil style crates:

  • 23.5" x 30" x 32" - 195 lbs.
  • 23" x 30" x 35" - 160 lbs.
Rental Fee*$900* (varies due to shipping cost)
Rental Period6 weeks

*Rental fees are based primarily on the cost of shipping. Prices may vary based on current fuel surcharges or venue location within the state of Texas. Out-of-state rentals are priced on an individual basis. If available, rentals can be extended at $25 per additional week. Please email for a rental fee quote specific to your venue.

Publicity Materials

Press release

Please contact the exhibitions coordinator to request the sample press release.

Publicity image

A publicity image is available for promoting this exhibition at your venue. Please contact the exhibitions coordinator to request an electronic file of this image. Please allow 2-3 business days for the exhibitions coordinator to process your request.

Humanities Texas logos

Logo files are also available for download on the logo page.

Book Now or Receive a Quote

To book an exhibition or receive a quote, please complete the online rental form.

Questions and Rental Information

Call 512.440.1991 (press 3) or email

2024-2026 Bookings

Temple Railroad & Heritage Museum
Temple, TX
09/16/2023 - 10/28/2023

On Display

Panel Preview

Devastation in Port Aransas. Courtesy of Darren Braun.