Past Institutes

Teaching Shakespeare

On December 12, 2018, Humanities Texas held a one-day workshop in Lufkin for language arts and theater teachers on teaching the plays of William Shakespeare.


Faculty lectures addressed the historical and cultural contexts of Shakespeare's works, approaches to commonly taught comedies and tragedies, teaching using performance-based strategies, and developing effective writing assignments that support and emerge from the study of Shakespeare's works.

The workshop emphasized close interaction with scholars and the development of effective pedagogical strategies and engaging assignments and activities. Content was aligned with the secondary ELA TEKS.


Workshop faculty included Ariane Balizet (Texas Christian University), Kathryn Vomero Santos (Trinity University), and Ann Christensen and Laura Turchi of the University of Houston.

Location and Schedule

The workshop was held on the campus of Angelina College in Lufkin.


The workshop was made possible with major funding from the State of Texas, with ongoing support from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Questions about Teacher Institutes

Call 512.440.1991 (press 2) or email

Ariane Balizet, associate professor of English and women’s and gender studies at Texas Christian University, discusses teaching Shakespeare using filmic adaptations of his plays.
Participants engage in a performance-based activity during the “Teaching Shakespeare” workshop at Angelina College in Lufkin.
Laura Turchi, assistant professor of education at the University of Houston, leads educators in performance-based teaching strategies.